Our Community Programs & Services

Our range of programs and services support our diverse community to connect, share, learn and strengthen.
We are responsive to the emerging needs of our community, enabling and supporting participant led community activities.

Information & Referral Support

We provide the community with information and referral to local groups, activities and services. A wide range of information on community activities and support services for groups and individuals is available at our Centre. Information is available through our community service directory, noticeboard, monthly Newsletter and Facebook Page.
We actively assist members of the community to access information and connect with crisis support services when needed.
For information and community activities in the Lake Macquarie area visit the Lake Macquarie City Council Community Notice Board or the Lake Macquarie City Council Community Directory.
Information and Referral
Kindness Cupboard

Kindness Cupboard

Our Kindness Cupboard was made possible through a collaboration with Project Kindness and is filled with non-perishable foods and hygiene items available for anyone in the community that finds themselves in need. It provides a helping hand to those who require it, but also offers an opportunity for anyone to give back and support their community on the premise of ‘take what you need and leave what you can'.
Our Kindness Cupboard is open and accessible for all, have a look when you're next at The Place. If you would like to leave some non-perishable or hygiene items for those in need you can pop them in the cupboard, in the donations box next to the cupboard or speak to our friendly staff. For more information contact us on (02) 4032 5500.
Young Parents Group

Made @ The Place

General Info

Made @ The Place is a FREE creative arts program for young people aged 12 - 24. This program provides young people with the opportunity to learn, create, exhibit, and sell their creative work. Participants will learn specific creative skills over 4 weeks, in a fun and supportive environment encouraging positive peer relationships, self-expression, and belonging.
The four-week workshop sessions will be held on Wednesday evenings from 4pm – 6pm. There are 8 workshop sessions in total over a two-year period, each featuring a local artist and genre. By the end of each workshop, participants will create a self-determined piece of art including painting, drawing, or digital art to exhibit at The Place and through an online store. Please see all workshop dates below.
Due to funding from the NSW Government this program is entirely FREE and all art supplies, food and refreshments will be provided. Registrations are essential.

Workshop Dates

3rd May – 24th of May 
7th June – 28th June 
26th July – 16th August 
18th October – 8th November 
28th February – 20th March 
8th May – 29th May  
31st July – 21st August 
23rd October – 13th November *Contact us to express your interest! 
NSW gov logo


Great Mates – Young Men Empowered

Great Mates - Young Men Empowered is a FREE engaging after-school life skills program for young men aged 12-16. We have partnered with Well Education to run this program and it aims to encourage self-worth, resilience, confidence, and mateship in a collaborative and welcoming environment. Great Mates is all about participants connecting over fun and engaging activities, developing friendships, improving themselves and being a part of their community.

Everyone who attends will be welcomed into a safe and accepting space, a place to connect, have fun and make friends. Great Mates will run over 8-week blocks on Thursdays from 4pm – 6pm. Please see all dates below.

Due to funding from the NSW Government this program is FREE for the entire 8-week duration and all resources and refreshments will be provided. Registrations are essential.

Program Dates

11th May – 29th June
27th July – 14th September
12th October – 30th November 
15th February – 4th April 
9th May - 27th June 
1st August – 19th September * Taking registrations *


Place Based Abilities Program

The Place Based Abilities Program, held over two years, is a FREE social and capacity building program for young people identifying as neurodivergent regardless of whether they are eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

This collaborative program, provided by The Place in collaboration with ReadyUp Skills responds to the reluctance of youth with disability to engage in mainstream social activities, as highlighted through feedback from caregivers and the youth themselves, by focusing on their unique strengths and needs. 

This program is entirely FREE and you don’t need NDIS funding to participate! We welcome and celebrate people of all gender identities and expressions. Also, family members, guardians and support workers are welcome if needed.
Key components of the program that are built into the long term plan include a Community-Centred Recreational Engagement Initiative. This activity empowers participants, aged 10-16 and 17-25, to design their own recreational activities, allowing them to plan events that align with their interests and needs. Moreover, participants will lead in organising one open community event per term, where they will invite mainstream youth into their space in an effort to promote civic participation, strengthen community bonds, and foster a sense of control and belonging among the participants. 

Program Dates 
The program will run consistently over two years and participants can join at any stage. 

The groups meet weekly during the school term, on Monday and Thursday afternoons at The Place:

The 10-16 age group will meet on Thursdays from 4pm - 7pm  REGISTER HERE

The 17-25 age group will meet on Mondays from 4:30pm - 7:30pm 

You can also contact us on (02) 4032 5500 to find out more and register.

This program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Visit www.dss.gov.au for more information.

Charlestown Square Tuesday Club: Inclusive Connections

Date & Time 

Meeting weekly on Tuesday mornings at The Place from 9:30am - 12pm
Tuesday Club meets during the school term. No meetings during school holidays or on Public Holidays.
Senior man and lady wearing glasses smiling and looking like they're having fun. Promotion image for a senior's group.

General Information

Charlestown Square Tuesday Club, a vibrant weekly gathering for seniors in Lake Macquarie and Newcastle, is expanding! With an amazing history of 46 years in Charlestown and traditionally a women’s social group, this year, the group is extending a warm welcome to ALL seniors – women, men, gender-diverse, and culturally and linguistically diverse members of our community.

This senior’s social group is all about fostering friendships, sharing laughs, and creating memorable moments with local seniors. 
New members are welcome and are invited to join the club. Your first visit is FREE!

This program is sponsored by GPT Charlestown Square & the NSW Government.


For more information please contact The Place on 02 4032 5500.

Be Connected Digital Literacy 

Be Connected is an Australian government initiative that aims to empower Australians to thrive in a digital world. The Be Connected program provides a range of free resources, tools, training and events to help to improve the digital skills and confidence of older Australians. The Place is proud to be a Network Partner for the Be Connected Program and provides programs and events to support people to get online and improve their digital skills and confidence. 

FREE Community Digital Skills Training
In a world that is becoming increasingly reliant upon internet technology, it is important to make sure that all members of the community are able to access and use it. 

That’s why at The Place: Charlestown we are running an inclusive digital skills training for community members over 18 years of age. This training is adapted for community members with low vision. 

The training sessions run over 3 weeks, on Thursdays from 9:00am to 11:00am and sessions are held in small groups and a supportive setting. Bookings are essential, as spots are limited.

FREE Digital Mentor Training Program 
We're running another round of our FREE Community and Intergenerational Digital Exchange Program called cDEX and iDEX.  We're working with community members and high school students across the Hunter region and training them to become Digital Mentors. 

Through this program we equip Digital Mentors with the skills to support family and community members over 50 to improve their digital skills and confidence. We're excited to connect with our community in such a positive way and bring digital literacy learning and support safely into the community.  


To find out more and register for one of our Be Connected programs call 02 4032 5500 or email programs@theplacecharlestown.org.au

Bluegum Qigong

Dates & Time

Beginners class Friday mornings 9:15am - 10:15am
Gentle class Friday mornings 10:30am - 11:30am

Wild Goose Qigong

A more advanced Qigong class Mondays 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Qigong Martial art

General Information

Qigong is easy to learn with the focus on keeping the body healthy and removing any energy blockages. Classes focus mainly on Qigong, but also incorporate elements of Dr Paul Lam's Tai Chi for Arthritis Program.
The classes are designed so that everyone can follow at their own pace, adapting movement as necessary if there is stiffness or pain. If needed, the movements can be modified to be done whilst sitting, or whilst using a support aid or chair to lean on.
Classes are friendly, supportive and relaxed, led by a trained instructor.
Joining a class is a positive experience and the benefits can be felt each week and later, if practised at home.
Wear comfortable loose clothing and flat shoes. All welcome.


For more information please contact Adrienne 0428 553 317.

Art Display

FREE Exhibition Space Available

Attention Artists

Have your artwork displayed at The Place absolutely FREE! Take advantage of the opportunity to display your work on our walls for up to 3 months and get exposure to a variety of businesses and community members.
Contact Karden on 02 4032 5500

Book Exchange

"Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything” Plato
Reading and exchanging books is a great way to connect with friends and community, whether it is through swapping books or engaging in discussions about ‘that great book’ you just read. 
At The Place, we have a wealth of books for adults and children to borrow free of charge. Books are donated by the local community and comprise a number of popular fictional titles. 
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